East Cooper Community Outreach (ECCO) has been around for over thirty years! They are centered in Mt. Pleasant and focus on various needs including food, medical, dental, job search and training, financial assistance, clothing, and more. St. Paul's regularly holds food drives to gather needed goods for ECCO's pantry. The following is from ECCO's Impact Page.
We are driven every day to make an impact. When we see the smile from a grateful child or a “thank you” from a senior citizen in need of assistance paying for their prescriptions, we know we are making a difference. With 30+ years of service under our belt, we take great pride in our work and are honored to share some of the many ways our team is making an impact within our community.
*Data is based on FY19-20
Philanthropic Support
- 1,368 Donors
- 2,430 Donations
Dedicated Volunteers
- 311 Active Volunteers Per Month
- 26,296 Hours of Volunteer Time
- A monetary value exceeding $972,351

Client Support
- Client Navigators completed 956 client assessment
- Including 284 assessments for new clients
- 2,852 people in the households ECCO served
Client Choice Wellness Pantry & Clothing Closet
- 560,114 lbs. of food was distributed
- $1,164,428 retail value of food distributed
- 826 households served
- 427 households served from Clothing Closet- Relaunched in June 2021

Medical Clinic
- 157 prescriptions filled, saving our clients $18,532
- 531 patient appointments in Partners in HealthCare
Dental Clinic
- 396 total individuals served
- Over $346,105 in dental services provided

Financial Assistance
- 430 clients served
- Over $575,090 in assistance was provided
- $278,723 of the total financial assistance was provided to those who were COVID affected
Individual Development Account (IDA) / Asset Development Program (ADP)
- 19 active IDA/ADP program participants
- 7 program graduates meeting their savings goal for homeownership, small business development or post-secondary education
- Over $19,690 in IDA/ADP matches provided

Holiday Events
- 504 households provided with Thanksgiving meal supplies, including a turkey
- 227 households with 490 children participated in our Adopt a Family program