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On Thursday, February 23, nine wounded Ukrainian soldiers visited Charleston, compliments of a local charity called CHS4Ukraine started by a Ukrainian family that runs the Euro Cafe in West Ashley. The nine soldiers in the U.S. receive prosthetic limbs from the Minnesota-based charity Protez Foundation. Gathering at the City Town Hall in the Council Chambers, Mayor Tecklenberg welcomed the esteemed guests with emotion. Pastor Aaron and St. Johannes Lutheran Congregation President Pedro Rivas attended to hear the stories of the soldiers and the efforts of non-profits to help the Ukrainian people. 

One of Protez's leaders stated that they have been able to give 45 prosthetic limbs to date and train the recipients how to use them. He said over 700 applicants were waiting for prosthetic limbs; the need is great. 

In this moving conversation, the soldiers shared their humanity through stories of survival and losing their limbs. Anyone wishing to donate to the cause of Ukraine through these two non-profits is encouraged to visit their websites and donate. Although they are not explicitly Christian organizations, they are doing the healing and redeeming work of Jesus Christ. 
